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Top Tips to Have an Amazing Day!

If you rolled out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, don’t panic! There’s still time to turn things around with our top tips on having an amazing day…

Tip One – Think Positive!

It’s the age-old classic piece of advice. Positive thoughts create positive actions, but it’s true! Start your day in a positive state of mind and you’ll be surprised at how your day unfolds. From a free coffee, to a smile from a stranger…all from a simple change in your mind set. Easy, right?

Tip Two – Listen to or read something that inspires you!

Put down the celeb magazine and pick up something a bit more substantial. A couple of chapters of your new favorite book, or even an inspirational podcast on your IPhone will help you zone out and relax. Even if it’s just 15 minutes on the bus, fill your quiet moments like this and you’ll feel up-lifted and ready for the day in no time!

Tip Three – Exercise!

Now, before you run (or lightly jog) a mile in the opposite direction, hear us out! Some light daily exercise does wonders for you physically, but the benefit to your mental state is what makes it really worthwhile. Why not avoid the stressful commute and walk to work? Un-wind from a stressful day in the office with 20 minutes of yoga while your dinner is in the oven. Even just 10 minutes to stretch before bed will count and trust us your body and mind will thank you for it.

Tip Four – Fuel your body throughout the day

Start the day as you mean to go on with a nutritious and filling breakfast - fuelling you for the rest of the day. Simple and delicious meals made from 3-4 ingredients are all you need! Yogurt, berries and oats for breakfast, a yummy chicken salad for lunch…it really is that simple! Remember, good food is fuel for both the body and mind. Plus, no one is going to have a great day when they’re h-angry! J

Tip Five – Reflect

We’re all guilty of a quick scroll through social media before bed, aren’t we? Why not replace the phone with a notebook and use this precious time to reflect on your day? Pick one good thing that happened and note it down. Next time you’re having a tough day, have a flick through and remind yourself of all the positive parts of your life! This will also set you up in a positive mind-set for the following day.

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